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Craft Fair Guidelines & Rules   Craft Fair 2025 Application 

THE FOUR BUTTONS ABOVE will bring to you the PDF pages for printing, completing and mailing .

Photos can be emailed.

The 2025 APPLICATIONS ARE NOW AVAILABLE FOR DOWNLOAD   starting October 7. 2024.  Please note the change in early sign up and regular booth fees...both increased $10 from 2024.

Jewelry category will fill fast...and noted on application when done.

Here you will find the information on the craft show dates, set up times, and the two forms to sign up for the events.  You can contact us to request an emailed pdf for printing at or DM via Facebook "A Different Drummer Craft Event" if you need assistance.  

Complete and sign both forms, email 4-5 photos or enclose 4-5 photos and payment (post dated checks accepted)to be mailed to A Different Drummer Craft Event, 120 Pine St, Yarmouth Port, MA 02675 

A word on the Jury process regarding what qualifies as a craft

 Sublimation Printing,  Machine Guided Laser and purpose

The use of computer generated purchased fonts, free stock images, graphics (including registered logos and trademarks) applied to manufactured/purchased fabric clothing, totes bags, plastic drinkware, key fobs, pins , coasters etc. is exactly that --manufactured and assembled -- not a craft. 


Use of the process as art and craft fair definition
An artist who has created the entire image by hand or a photographer who has taken the original photo, it is permitted to reproduce that image in print as a card, prints of various sizes, and other suitable materials. It includes having it available by sublimation process on fabrics for bags or clothing, ceramic drinkware, tiles and other objects because the person actually created the original image.

A graphic designer who uses silkscreening, or sublimation printing to print their own designs, this is allowed on fabric, apparel and accessories
A mixed media artist/craftsperson can use sublimation printing or laser if adding decorative artwork to enhance a piece that is handcrafted. Hand painting stencils on basic items changed in shape, finish or color is allowed.

We Do Not Accept Tumblers or Insulated Cups. The towns on the Cape have voted against plastic containers.

When you sign up, you mark your craft as one of the categories listed on the application. This is what you are listed as on the website & any promotions. It is also what you are limited to on your table. Everyone likes to have 'bread and butter' items that helps to bring in money. But in my walks around the various Cape Cod fairs this summer, I have been noticing small displays of jewelry that were not related to main craft on the table. Recently I saw someone selling candle holders had a display of bracelets and saw the same display rack on other tables as well. This has me concerned and making a policy ruling:  If you are not signing up exclusively as a jeweler as in silver, beadwork or other forms of jewelry, or not part of your particular craft (potters making beads, flatware rings along with decorated spoons for example), leave it home.  I have heard complaints from the jewelers about these small jewelry items, unrelated to the main craft, tipping the balance to more jewelry than legitimately applied for. The jewelers are not selling items outside of their craftwork such as candles, artwork or cards etc. at their tables to pad their sales and are becoming annoyed that this is happening.  A Different Drummer Craft  fairs are limited in category for a reason, to give everyone an equal opportunity. If there are 5 - 7 jewelers signed up, I will not accept 2 or 3 more people selling jewelry on the side  that is not part of their craft at their table.  If  you didn't make it and not your main craft, leave it home because it will be considered a buy/resell item.  See #2 & #19  Guidelines.

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